Vijay Krishnan Nov 24, 2019

With Delhi turning virtually into a gas chamber and with the authorities labelling the city as non-liveable, let’s take a look at what one can do as a biker to reduce their impact on the environment when it comes to pollution in your city.

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment

Photo Credits - @fredrivett from Unsplash 


Ride a Motorcycle

   Two wheels not only move the soul, but they contribute much less to air pollution and for the environmentalists, ‘have a much lower carbon footprint’. Keep those four wheeled burdens at home and make travel fun and less polluting. That is unless family duty calls!

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment

Photo Credits - @heftiba from Unsplash 

Reuse old tyres


  Old motorcycle tyres can be given a new lease of life in multiple ways. This can range anywhere from a swimming pool float, a makeshift bed for the garden plants all the way to being used as a way to keep stray doggos comfy during the winter. You can see how by clicking here.


Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres


 Photo Credits - @wikimediacommons


Waste not want not


  Not all that is broken cannot be fixed. Some can be refurbished back to their former glory and the others can be repurposed into being cool decorations for your crib.

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres

Photo Credits - @DesignFetish 


Going quiet at traffic lights


  With modern motorcycles being reliable as ever, one doesn’t have to pray to the all father in the hope their motorcycle will start up. Starting a modern motorcycle just takes a press of the start button and one should fully make use of this advancement in motorcycle technology to shut off their engines and spare the emissions at a traffic light to take in some sights.

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres

Photo Credits - @zacwolff from Unsplash


Make sure your motorcycle is tuned properly

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres

Photo Credits - @aahubs from Unsplash

  A motorcycle running too rich or too lean will give out emissions greater than that at an optimal state of tune. Keeping the bike in the right state if tune will thus lead to lesser emissions and enable you to enjoy your motorcycle to the fullest.


Getting your motorcycle serviced regularly


  Getting your motorcycle fluids changed and getting the bike cleaned up will eliminate all chances of your motorcycle putting out fine particles (PM2.5), that are greater causes of air pollution in many places. Also a full service of your motorcycle at regular intervals means that your motorcycle will be in the best shape and would not require the swapping out of any parts due to undue wear and tear. A happy motorcycle will translate into a happy you!

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres



Going electric


  Swapping out your four wheeler for an electric vehicle will go a long way in ensuring your carbon footprint goes way down. And as for the weekly dose of internal combustion excitement, you will always have your motorcycle in hand.

Delhi Pollution air pollution City pollution smog delhi smog winter smog steps to reduce harmful impact on the environment reuse tyres

Albert Nanda